Species: P. Vannamei, P. Californiensis, P. Stylirostris, P. Braziliensis, P. Duorarum, P. Notialis
Season: Year Round
Product: Raw Farm Raised Vannamei
Style & Sizes: Head On
Shell On
Peeled and Undeveined (PUD)
Peeled and Deveined (P&D)
Product: Cooked Farm Raised Vannamei
Style & Head On
Sizes: Shell On
Peeled and Deveined (Cooked P&D)
Peeled and Tail On (Cooked PTO) Custom-made to Customer Specs
Product: Ocean Shrimp - Whites Style & Sizes:
Head On: U/8 to 40/50 per KG
Shell On:U/8 to 51/60 per LB
Cooked Head On: U/8 to 40/50 per KG
Product: Ocean Shrimp - Browns Style & Sizes:
Head On: 10/20 to 40/50 per KG
Shell On: U/10 to 36/40 per LB
Cooked Head On: 10/20 to 40/50 per

20/30 to 120/140 per KG
16/20 to 110/130 per LB
41/50 to 110/130 per LB
1/25 to 91/110 per LB
21/25 to 91/110 per LB
21/25 to 91/110 per LB
20/30 to 120/140 per KG
16/20 to 130/150 per LB
21/25 to 91/110 per LB
21/25 to 91/110 per LB